Hilbert in CEE

Collocated symposium on the reception of Hilbert's axiomatic method in Central and Eastern Europe, organised by Mate Szabó. The symposium will take place on Tuesday, 3 October 2017.

Venue: Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science of Masaryk University in Brno, (meeting room, 1st floor)

MapKotlářská 2, Brno

Programme of the workshop
9:00--9:15 Welcome/Opening
9:15--10:10 Nikolay Milkov:David Hilbert and the Berlin Group of Logical Empiricism
10:15--11:10 Iulian Toader and Constantin C. Brincus:The Reception of Hilbert's Axiomatic Method in Romania
11:10--11:35 Coffee Break
11:35--12:30 Iryna Khomenko:On Logical Studies in Ukraine in the Context of Hilbert’s Contribution
12:30--2:00 Lunch
2:00--2:55 Srecko Kovac and Ivica Martinovic:The Croatian Reception of Hilbert's Axiomatic Method
3:00--3:55 Jan Woleński:Hilbert and the Foundations of Mathematics in Poland
3:55--4:20 Coffee Break
4:20--5:15 Valérie Lynn Therrien:The Axiom of Choice and the Road Paved by Sierpiński
5:20--6:15 Máté Szabó, Ádám Tuboly and András Máté:The Reception of Hilbert's Axiomatic Method in Hungary
The abstracts can be found here.
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